Web Finds for March 10, 2017

Web Finds are from my web surfing travels. You’ll find some unique, informative, and some of the coolest websites and apps that you may have never knew existed. Enjoy! Previous Web Finds are here.

2 min readMar 10, 2017

Milanote is a notes web app for creative work. For the research, thinking and planning behind your next great piece of work.

Nisus Writer Pro
Nisus Writer is a word processing app that’s fast, clean, and powerful. A Twit.tv pick of the week.

Bumpr is a handy, beautiful Mac app that lets you choose where to open links. Anytime you click on a web link, a compact, elegant menu pops up right in place and lets you choose which browser to open that link with. Bumpr also works with mail links.

Timing is a macOS app that tracks your time so you don’t have to. Timing automatically tracks which applications, documents and domains you spend time with. This way, you can quickly figure out how much time you spent on different projects and which activities (like games, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) have the worst impact on your productivity.

Hazel for macOS watches whatever folders you tell it to, automatically organizing your files according to the rules you create. Have Hazel move files around based on name, date, type, what site it came from and much more. Automatically sort your movies or file your bills. Keep your files off the desktop and put them where they belong.

mySleepButton for iOS is an app designed to help you fall asleep. It’s based on our contribution to cognitive science. Just press the “Put Me to Sleep” button, close your eyes, and imagine the various things mySleepButton reads to you as you fall asleep.




I'm ldstephens, a tech blogger since 2015, sharing my insights on Apple and general tech news. Subscribe: https://ldstephens.medium.com/subscribe