It’s not which platform you blog on, but what you blog about that results in traffic for your posts

1 min readAug 2, 2021

My stats here on Medium indicate that between 80 and 90 percent of the traffic that my posts get come from search engines (mainly Google).

I have over 2,600 followers here, and I’m lucky to get 10 or more views/reads on a post. As a side note, that tells me that follower count on Medium is meaningless. That said, I have had my share of posts that have gotten a significant number of views/reads.

For example, this post Can Bear replace Ulysses as my short form writing tool? got 2,600 views and 89% came from search.

Here’s another example. This post Two years of Fastmail and how it replaced Gmail got 5,600 views and 97% came from search.

This post Step count in the Health app not matching the step count in the Activity app at hosted on got 5,365 views and over 80% came from search.

So, my takeaway is this. If traffic is your objective, write about subjects that people would be inclined to search for.




I'm ldstephens, a tech blogger since 2015, sharing my insights on Apple and general tech news. Subscribe: