App flip-flopping: the constant dance between apps and services
I flip-flop apps, services, and devices like I change my underwear. Why can’t I settle on what works best and stop the flip-flopping? What the fuck is up with me?
My problem is that I’m regularly influenced by what other tech nerds are using and think that if they use X I should be using X. As an example the current cool thing for bloggers to do is write a blog post listing the default apps that they use for different categories. Here is a list of all participants if you’re interested.
Scanning through some of the posts I was evaluating how many people were using Reeder vs NetNewWire and whether they were using Feedbin or iCloud for the backend. This interested me because my Feedbin subscription is up in a few weeks and I would like to eliminate it. I wrote about this the other day.
The other area that I was interested in was what notes and writing apps others were using. I was interested in knowing how many folks are using Drafts app. Hardly anyone was using Drafts. I love using Drafts for anything text. Noticing that Drafts wasn’t that popular made me wonder if I should be using Ulysses or iA Writer which were mentioned fairly often rather than Drafts. Anyway, I’m sure you get what I’m saying here.
Goal! Settle in with the apps that I know work for me and stop flip-flopping.